Company name
KEIEISHA JP Corporation
President / CEO Kazuyuki Inoue
6th floor of VORT Ebisu II (ex- K&S Ebisu Building), 1-16-2, Hiroo, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0012
Established on
February 24, 2010
(55th birthday of Steve Jobs, a founder of Apple Inc.)
Business launched on
April 1, 2010
License number issued by the Minister of Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
Executive Search Division
It functions as a Search Firm to search professional talents at the management level (including management leaders such as presidents, directors, CEO, COO, CFO, etc., directors in business divisions, department directors, and section managers) and provides support to these professionals to find better job opportunities.
Consulting Division
This division provides support to strengthen company’s management systems, provides coaching to board and executive talents.It also provides consultation on organization development, human resource management, talent management, and engages external Directors and Advisors for coaching and mentoring executive professionals.
Seminar Division
This division organizes and provides seminars and lecturing programs for managers and leaders.
※Under preparation to launch in English version.
Membership Division
This division is in charge of organizing / providing exclusive membership for business managers and leaders. It also provides content solution for members.
※Under preparation to launch in English version.